Radio Pozitiv

Список всех известных технологий вещания
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Автор:  radiopozitiv [ 27-12, 18:39 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Список всех известных технологий вещания

- Clipstream Java Streaming
- Epresence
- FFmpeg
- FORscene Java video reviewing, logging, editing and publishing
- FreeCast Java application which allows peer-to-peer stream broadcast.
- FreeJ video streamer for Icecast
- Helix Community
- Icecast
- IceShare P2P Icecast protocol
- iRate a web radio that chooses the next song based on your previous ratings for other songs
- Live365 Live365 Streaming Media Library
- MuSE audio mixing and streaming source software
- MPEG-4
- Ogg
- Pandora (music service)
- Peercasting
- P2P streaming The SplitStream Paper description.
- phpStreamcast
- QuickTime
- QuickTime Broadcaster
- RealSystem
- SDP Multimedia -- Open Source project to save streaming media to disk
- SHOUTcast
- SlimServer (Open Source Music Streaming Server backboned by a music database)
- Streamcast
- Unreal Media Server Live MPEG4/MP3 encoding; MPEG1/2/4, WMV, MP3, AVI files.
- VideoLAN
- Windows Media
- Zina (Open-source alternative to Andromeda written in PHP)
- dyne:bolic GNU/Linux live CD ready for radio streaming
- Rivendell (software) with the facilities for the acquisition, management, scheduling and playout of audio content.
- PeerCast is a peer-to-peer broadcasting tool which allows you to broadcast without needing much upstream bandwidth.

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